Centennial Plaza

Location: 9924 101A Avenue

When most people think of a Pride Festival, the image that comes to mind is of a lengthy parade filled with colourful floats riding down a street lined with tens of thousands of spectators. This has undoubtedly been the case for many of Edmonton’s Pride celebrations over the past thirty-plus years, but there was a time when how we celebrated Pride looked very different.

In 1989, Centennial Plaza became the site of “the first openly gay rally [held] in Edmonton in eight years or more.” This was the culmination of two weeks of events organized throughout the city to promote gay and lesbian awareness after several months of debate within City Council, and in the local media, as to whether there was a need to formally recognize a “Gay and Lesbian Awareness Day” in Edmonton.

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Articles & Links

Learn more about the history of pride in Edmonton with our pride timeline.

Edmonton Transit Service (ETS) Pride Bus


Edmonton Pride Walk and Run is a volunteer-led non-profit event.

Check out Fruit Loop’s virtual pride videos.

Learn more about the history of Pride in Canada.

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